
Photo by Nicolas Favresse
Mount Asgard 2015 m. Auyuittuq National Park, on the Cumberland Peninsula of Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada.
versante ovest delle torri Nord a sinistra e Sud a destra con i tracciati di:
1. Hyperborea, Caine, Pritchard, Quinlan, Tosas, 1994;
2. Porter (solo), 1976;
3. Diretta americana, 1988;
4. Belgarian, Olivier e Nicolas Favresse, Stephane Hanssens e Sean Villanueva, 2009 (che in parte percorre la Bavarian Direct: Christian Schlesener, Mani Reichelt, Toni Grad, Luck Guscelli and Markus Bruckbauer, 1997, da cui il nome …);
5. Sensory Overload (1200m, 5.11+, A1), Ines Papert, Jon Walsh e Joshua Lavigne, luglio 2012.
Altre vie non segnate di questo versante sono:
Scott Route, sud ovest, 1972;
la via degli Italiani lungo il pilastro sudovest della south tower, Manica, Leoni, Luca, DeFrancesco, 1988;
in piena parete nord della North Tower, “Valkyrie, Brad Jarred e Chris Breemer, 1994;
la recente via (2009) di Chris Brazeau e Jon Walsh alla South Tower (5.12-, 600m) che percorre 50% della via degli Italiani.
photo AACJournal
Mount Asgard 2015 m. Auyuittuq National Park, on the Cumberland Peninsula of Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
North Tower east face:
1. Line of Credit, Easton, Prohaska, Condon, 5.10 A1,1988;
2. Whiskey Gonzales, Olivier and Nicolas Favresse, Hanssens and Villanueva, 2009
This route may share some ground with a line free-climbed by Chris Brazeau and Jon Walsh* earlier this summer.
* Chris Brazeau and Jon Walsh, 2009 (5.11+ C1, 800m).
Hard to say whether the first half had been climbed or not, but we climbed about 10 nice pitches up to 5.11- to reach the headwall. We then followed an obvious crack system to the right of Line of Credit (Condon-Easton-Prohaska, 1998) that provided the highlight of the trip. Eight 60-meter pitches, six of which were 5.11, and often involving run-out, delicate face climbing that linked the cracks, on some of the best quality stone we’ve ever touched! Some wet rock forced us right near the top, and only one body length didn’t go free due to some wetness. Probably 5.12- free. Wet 5.11 moves constantly made us dig deep, but we onsighted the rest of the headwall. The Favresse brothers repeated the first two-thirds of our headwall route, and drier conditions permitted them to do a more direct finish (Whiskey Gonzales, 2009). Our camp-to-camp time was 22.5 hours, with the approach being at least two hours